Anxiety & ADHD
College Student ADHD
Young Child ADHD

"If your child has ADHD, I HIGHLY suggest checking out Saint Louis Neurotherapy Institute! Leif's initial scans were extremely impulsive. In just two weeks of biofeedback/brain training, we noticed some major changes. After 12 weeks, he was a new kid! His level of focus was amazing, he had better emotional regulation and he stopped acting out to try to cover up his inability to do something. I'm now a very happy mother and it was so worth the money. Thank you, Saint Louis Neurotherapy Institute, for helping our son!"

"The changes I've seen in my son throughout his 4 months of Neurotherapy training are amazing. His ADHD medication dosage has been successfully reduced 3 times; he has almost no anxiety or irrational fears anymore but when he does feel worried, the intensity and duration of the episodes have been dramatically reduced. All of the staff in Dr. Rhodes' office is friendly and kind and make an effort to get to know my son and make him feel comfortable. Throughout the neuropathy training we had several meetings to check in about my son's progress and the changes we saw, receive answers to any questions we had, and learn about how certain vitamins, supplements, and changes in his diet could be beneficial for him. I feel so lucky that we were able to work with Dr. Rhodes and the St Louis Neurotherapy Institute and that we've had so much success that with this program.

"Our teenage daughter, Kate, suffered from severe migraines for the last 2 1/2 years. The typical migraine medications were not very helpful for her so we continued to try new ones. Throughout this time she was also admitted to the ER and Inpatient for IV treatments. I am writing this now 3 months later and am happy to report that her Neuro-training treatments have exceeded our expectations. The change was nearly immediate. She has only had 2 very brief migraines lasting one day since beginning treatment and has missed no school days. Thank you for providing a safe drug-free solution to this debilitating situation."

I was diagnosed with ADHD when I was 10, and Depression/Anxiety when I was 13. I was on medication for years and years. The side effects of both medicines would make me want to isolate myself, be very easily irritated, cause rapid heart rate, and make me very drowsy. Last year, at age 33, someone had mentioned neurofeedback to me, and I had never heard of it. I decided to go ahead and try it. After a few weeks of treatment, I was already starting to tell the difference. I decided to go off my anti-depressants. I was successful coming off it, and am still not in need of it today. This treatment really works! The staff is fantastic, very helpful, patient, and flexible! I had a very positive experience, and I recommend it to anyone who is wanting to get off meds.

"St.Louis Neurotherapy made a huge difference for my son. His ADHD symptoms decreased enough to allow him to be successful in school. I would highly recommend this."

"We saw dramatic improvement with our son Isaac in a relatively short amount of time. Now 2 years later he is still doing great. His grades continue to be good we are getting positive reports from his teachers and we did all that with no meds! Thank you Dr. Rhodes”